I have no ties with the seller but the item is gorgeous.

It is the exact same model as the one stolen from me, except the Serial Number on mine was 2448. Please keep your eyes open for 2448. I am offering a reward and would love to get it back.


What is not Design?

June 14, 2009

Nopherhole is not being a fuddy duddy, you know, the kind of stereotype from the 1960’s that wasn’t hip enough to “get” modern art.

Below is a picture of what I mean. This is not design. It is a glue study. Design must require the combination of “artistry and artisanry” [copyright nopherhole]  to make a space or object attractive and or useful.

This is from notcot.org from which I enjoy many websurfing moments. This not being one.not design

Small Houses

June 6, 2009

Nopherhole has encouraged readers to google “small houses” before. No endorsements here, but an idea.small house

When nopherhole and spouse were young, the first home was an apartment of about 400 square feet. And during the reconstruction of an abandoned house, existence of a hundred square feet was the limit.

Nopherhole actively discourages that trying to live in that small a house, and there is nothing wrong with big.

Nopherhole speculates that the politics of home ownership will force a change in the tax deduction for housing. But like high taxes on the width of the front of houses caused the Dutch to build extremely narrow houses, and high taxes on the number of rooms in a house forced the sales of armoires rather than built in closets [true], changes are afoot.

The law of secondary unexpected repercussions will have the same effect in the housing market, look to something happening during the Obama administration.


Empty the dishwasher!

June 6, 2009

No bad feelings about who loads the dishwasher

No bad feelings about who loads the dishwasher

This is off topic. But because nopherhole is a mechanical engineer and likes intricacies of design look at this link for the article.