Kansas City, where nopherhole lives, was home to thirty dealerships, which, with Obama as GM, will close. This leaves, nopherhole has been told, that about four or five dealerships will survive.

Nothing the federal government is going to do reduces the number of car problems people are going to experience. Now think of what happens here. Thousands of car repairs are still going to occur, but the number of dealership mechanics will decline markedly. Then tie that with the superguarantees that promise auto maker maintenance for some number of extended years.

Will the customer go without a car while waiting for a multimonth waiting line to clear? Remember, if the customer goes to the dealership, the fix is “free” – covered by warrantee. Go to an independent mechanic or shop and the repair will cost something more than nothing.

And many mechanics are going to be thrown into the independent mechanic shop work force. What happens to those folks?

Pray that something happens to Obama’s policy?


For eight decades, some relative of mine has celebrated India [and Nepal] through Service.

Starting with my Great Uncle August Wildermuth who traveled to India by steamship before the Suez Canal. To my Grandmother and Great Aunt. To my mom and her Sister [and her husband, and their kids. India has been a special place in our thoughts and souls.

Great Uncle August Wildermuth was a Bishop for Patna, a diocese/mission that stretched up into Nepal and at one time was the largest land area Catholic Mission in the world. Their duty was not always pleasant and sometimes deadly. Nopherhole will not go through all the history, nor does he possess the personal knowledge. But roots exist between India and the family.

Nopherhole has tried to expose his daughters to the wonder of travel and immersion in other cultures. Nopherhole has helped a Bishop from India on his visit to Kansas. What all this jumble of words means is that stretching to the world is Good.

Let us all celebrate the entirety of God’s Creations and his Likenesses.

Don't you love history?Indira Ghandi and my Great Uncle

Don't you love history?

“I hope his wife feeds him lots of eggs and butter and he dies early like many black men do, of heart disease. . . . He is an absolutely reprehensible person.”

Since nopherhole is thinking of this famous quote from a media person that the government pays, nopherhole is not the only one.

Google “Clarence Thomas”


Tie between Obama indictments and Chicago 2016 Olympics Bid discussed how all politics is local. Chicago will theoretically be notified if it has [or has not] won the bid to be the site of the 2016 Olympics. The strong arming is happening now. Nopherhole basically stated that GM’s CEO was being fired by Obama’s Administration, or, at least, did not dispel the wording the media used. A large convening of some 1500 representatives of Olympic countries was coincidentally meeting in Denver. Following within hours of the end of this conference, the IOC was scheduled for site visit to the Chicago prospective Olympic site.

So get this, Administration fires GM CEO, with large business holdings and related suppliers in dozens of these countries. Obama takes credit at least. At least one member of the Administration has made money from the IOC dealings with Chicago. Daley has spent “stimulus” money on repaving the Chicago streets at the site [with local opposition because other sites need it worse.] The 1500 Olympic reps are meeting simultaneously in Denver. Then the IOC visits Chicago site.

Back to the Daley repaving. The local nay-sayers point to the paving as just the first of many repaving jobs using stimulus funds.

Nopherhole is 75% sure that the site of the Olympics will be completely bulldozed and reshaped, including rerouting of all infrastructure – including new streets.

It is a common joke in electric utilities [as sort of a gallows humor] that new utilities requiring cuts in pavement are typically done right after the street has been repaved.

Get it? It’s like putting in a new garden with dozens of flowers, bushes and trees, then digging a hole in the middle for a basketball goal, pouring contract and trampling all the garden.


Trickle down suppliers

March 30, 2009

Nopherhole wants to remind you of the close integration of the local auto plant and suppliers.

Two plants are in the metropolitan area. One used to be the sole source of extended cab pickups for Ford. The other local plant has switched around to various GM brands.

But, on to the topic. The key to efficiency is called Just In Time inventory. The plant is not built big enough to store any parts in significant quantity. Suppliers are closely integrated with the plant and its output, so, for example, the brown leather seat with bun warmers arrives on the assembly line precisely when its needed for the white supercab pickup.

What does that mean to suppliers? If the plant shuts down, the supplier is immediately cut off and those jobs are gone too. And the plastics supplier that supplies the cup holders to the seat manufacturer, he is kaput also. And the wholesaler of plastic pellets that get molded into the cup holder loses orders. And the supplier of heaters that heat the plastic so that it can be molded into the cupholder for the seat that goes in the white supercab is SOL too.


Quote from Rush Limbaugh March 27 show summary – “We don’t have any checks and balances on Obama’s budget, not in the Senate, House or media. The Chinese Communists are our only hope. The question is, will the ChiComs pick up the tab for all the trillions we’re spending but don’t have?” -Rush Limbaugh

From BHOIAAH [nopherhole.com] on March 5, 2009 ridiculed on Ann Coulter’s blog by the clueless, nopherhole stated –

Democrat Central Committee to take over US Administration Functions – Executive order signed by President Obama today

The following are absurdity as truth bullet points. Try to keep up. I don’t have Anne’s graciously provided footnotes.

March 4, 2009 17:48 – In an unprecedented move, President Barack Hussein Obama transferred Administration extra-governmental controls to Democrat Central Committee. In a Presidential Order signed today by Obama, who still remains popular with voters, viewed transfer as “helpful.”

– Have you heard of a “How a bill becomes law?” When did giving DC the franchise enter the constitution? If any law passes Congress by the skin of the teeth with a DC vote, it should be vetoed if BHO is to uphold the Constitution as he was sworn to do.

– Democratic Central Committee is tongue in cheek reference to the Soviet Central Committee – There is no Democrat Central Committee

– I leave the reporting of BHO’s removal, changes, etc. to the press. A single individual could not list them all here.

– The main point is that implementation of BHO “agenda”, so far it consists of 1.Change, hinges on “…well, … we don’t like Limbaugh” according to James Carville

“Too long has the drawn out legislative process, and issuance of rubber stamps to Congress and Senate and other new extra-constitutional bodies delayed the success of governmental programs,” Obama stated in a hastily called news conference timed to miss the early evening news. “Removal of Republicans party was a mere formality with mandate achieved in November 2008 election.”  – absurdity with truth

– No Republicans are needed to pass any bills in Congress. I leave to the reader the ability to distinguish RINO’s. And in the last ten years, virtually all Republicans have given up on any Conservative ideas.

– Rubber stamps refer to stimulus package being signed into law without even looking at a copy of it.

Since the election, every Democrat program may be implemented without review by the legislative branch. The constitutional versus administrative checks and balances have been removed.

– Follows bullet point from above. Without legislative review, no ability to enable checks and balances exists. True?

Obama stressed, “Following the planned death of Supreme Court member Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the new Democrat Central Committee will expand the Judicial function to be subject to added administrative review.”

– When Ginsburg dies, the Obama war room has already war gamed how best to “play” the outcome. This is hardcore politics – the kind the normal citizens used to call “the guys in the cigar smoked filled back room.” Political motivation rather than adherence to the Constitution is a guarantee driven home by Obama – just wait – the replacement nominees will be the worst political hacks ever suggested.

– The theme for this piece is the consolidation of power in a Messianic [sp] figure. This is fascism. The judicial branch subject to politics rather than law is the substance of the point. – absurdity with truth, the next supreme court picks will be Democrat shills

Implementing change has been very popular and successful under the new regime. The recognized “Fourth Estate” has made rejoinders to become part of the Committee. CNN Anchor Donna Hernees stated, “the slowness of Faxing has severely limited the transfer of news directly from the administration to media resource.”

– The press’ argument for implementing everything Obama proposes is that he is popular. It’s a specious argument, but it used EVERY DAMN DAY. The same words come out of every drive by media. This is not possible without unnatural speech confluence – in other words – a central source dictates the day’s news word by word.

– absurdity as truth – The Fourth Estate is a shill for the Democrat Party

The president has name a information technology czar to allow direct administration to vocal chord, AVC, news transfer. CBS and ABC are using beta version of the software now. It is rumored that the gold version is already implemented at CNN.

– See above – but a better faster way has been implemented. It is called email – it gets the reporter “right in the head” for writing the day’s news.

– The IT Czar is an actual position. Was there a telegraph czar? A telephone czar? Why is there any political connection between the administration and how information technology should proceed at a near-Cabinet level?

Last edited by bhoiaah on Thu Mar 05, 2009 10:03 am, edited 5 times in total.

Nopherhole has mentioned that certain mutual funds are required to invest a funds in the market in certain proportions. And rather than holding an emergency meeting to allow them to hold lots of cash and bring focus to the problem, mutual funds are pouring gasoline on a smoldering barn house burndown.

The mutual fund phenomena of also doing “window dressing” at the end of a quarter plays a part. Some funds don’t want to be caught with rotting corpses in their portfolio so they liquidate the viscera, and buy anything that is not wafting the sweet sickly odor of death. This gives a little spring to the market at the end of the quarter – such as March 31.

Nopherhole did not make up the term “dead cat bounce”, but it sure is descriptive of the market.


See https://ksspyder.wordpress.com/2009/03/05/on-inventing-new-money/

March 5, 2009, nopherhole wrote about what money is going to be if the USA keeps the moneypresses running on overtime.

The Financial Times was slow by 18 days [depending on the international date line] compared to nopherhole.


Military brass must be shredded according to contracts on the official US military surplus web sites. Brass is the stuff that rains down in the helicopter scene in The Matrix.

Used brass was a profit center for the military. Used brass can be reloaded and re-used, and that’s what used to happen. Shortages of rounds for police departments was blamed on the war in Iraq.

Nopherhole has seen conflicting stories on whether the brass must by shredded federal rules or is the military’s surplus provider just being careful?

Now, according to the official military surplus site, it must be shredded in an approved facility or under supervision.

Can you imagine if all used equipment was required to be shredded as a condition of sale? Next the administration will require the military to collect every shred of shrapnel in an effort to recycle.

Of course the real reason is to bypass the Second Amendment to the Constitution, that the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

The market shall find alternatives of course. But the entrepreneur who comes up with a solar electricity and ethanol powered Arm that delivers sequestered Carbon lethal fibers will have a big Obama target painted on his chest.

[Carbon fibers (slide 101) have already been used as a weapon in the former Yugoslavia and in Gulf War I- Carbon conducts electricity and carbon tape delivered with accuracy shorted out high voltage transformers without permanent damage. Invented in the USA? ]


Ron Silver RIP

March 23, 2009

Please read this
