Sotomayor backers urge reporters to probe New Haven firefighter | McClatchy

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Personal attacks on private citizen seen as reasonable to get noble hispanic judge on the Supreme Court.

Supreme Court overturned Sotomayor based on her application of the law, not on the merits of the case. That is the Constitutional thing for the Appellate Court and the Supreme Court to do.



Unintended secondary effects.

Obama desires to tax coal out of existence. Google [Obama coal “out of business”]

Coal is the base of all electric energy used in the world. What happens when the price doubles overnight?

Nevermind that millions of jobs  wiped out, and new “Enrons” trading funny paper called carbon credits. That is f&(ing infuriating enough.

Nopherhole has three main choice as an electric utility.

  1. Take it up the a$$.
  2. Buy alternative energy that is priced at the second highest cost price, that is coal. [which has doubled in price]
  3. Think outside the buns.

Three is the USE space.

Three includes fibbing on the amount of coal used. The average Joe Wacko  doesn’t realize that coal comes in different flavors. Some coal is just barely beyond disintegrating vegetable matter. At the other end of the scale is super hard, high carbon coal. The energy content is doubled for the hard carbon coal, typically from the Eastern US coal mines and higher in sulphur. A large proportion of utilities have switched [because of environmental regulation] to Western Coals, which have down to half the energy in them per ton.

Long story short, sneak some Eastern coal into the mix, but count it as Western Coal. All those heavily laden trains descending from Wyoming Western Coal mines go east will have return traffic loaded with some counterfeit coal from the East.

Three also includes buying coal energy from Canada and Mexico. A little wallet grease will go a long way toward having the source for the energy labeled as wind, solar, biomass, and burning SUV’s.

Getting that energy to the United States may involve [and it must if something is really flowing], huge, million volt direct current transmission lines going north and south. These will be built through areas that have less than one person per square mile. Won’t that be lovely.

Aha you say, nopherhole forgets that North Dakota can build huge wind farms and hook those up to the huge, million volt direct current transmission lines. Wrong you wacko. If nopherhole builds a coal plant in Canada and then builds huge, million volt direct current transmission lines, nopherhole builds those lines to carry its energy only. Why? to add one more kilowatt to a huge, million Volt direct current transmission line traversing land with one person per square mile involves building huge facilities that cost $millions. Well, you say, the wind energy can pay to hook up. Wrong! Wackos complain that wind farms paying their fair share is wrong. It should be FREEEEE.

Three also includes doing stuff to the coal that some might consider “Thinking outside the buns.” Coal comes with water in it. Boiling off the water in the fire sucks up energy. So nopherhole dries his coal more to get more energy with the same amount of carbon. Nopherhole can’t think of an easy way to do this. Western coal, if it contacts too much air, spontaneously bursts into flame. And it’s a Hydrogen flame which is hard to detect. The first fatality is on Obama’s train ticket to hell.

Three also includes throwing other stuff into the fire. Mostly money, but tires, mulch and the morgue’s John Does come to mind.

Afghanistan counterinsurgency

Article hints at Obama bin Barack interfering with troop deployment amounts. NONONO!

Got to stop Obama!

From and Human Events

With the Supreme Court’s decision in Ricci v. DeStefano this week, we can now report that Sonia Sotomayor is even crazier than Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

To recap the famous Ricci case, in 2003, the city of New Haven threw out the results of a firefighters’ test — which had been expressly designed to be race-neutral — because only whites and Hispanics scored high enough to receive immediate promotions, whereas blacks who took the test did well enough only to be eligible for promotions down the line.

Inasmuch as the high-scoring white and Hispanic firemen were denied promotions solely because of their race, they sued the city for race discrimination.

Supreme Court ruled she was wrong in not pointing out the discrimination. But look at the dates. These firemen could be dead in their graves before they got justice. We should be glad that some aren’t. I think courts have problems with dead litigants.

Nopher “content of their character”

Nopherhole attended the Car as Art Concours de’Elegance on the Kansas City Art Institute grounds.

While the heat was enough to melt tin, the aluminum, steel and leather and yes, some vinyl held up. Nopherhole is hoping to draw some readers to BubbleBoot. And there will be good stuff there.

Aha, but first, weedhead politics!

Politics has rung the death nell on electric cars, at least electric cars that run on electricity.

Before nopherhole jumps the gun, remember that only the weedheads passed the bill in the House. And all of this is based on the premise that human beings expire deadly gases from our lungs. That’s the mental Snake River Canyon jump certain weedheads make from the Clean Air Act. To be regulated, Carbon Dioxide must be defined as a deadly gas under the Act.

Some weedheads say ignore the intent of the law. But if the EPAy’ers define Carbon Dioxide as poisonous gas, it must first be regulated at ground level where humans are exposed to the gas’ highest levels, like the gymnasium at the basketball game. Or at the Nascar track. Or the backyard Barbeque.

Miniscule amounts of carbon dioxide in the air at the tops of mountains they say will cause massive shifts in climate. But the amount of climate impact was greater when the moon exploded off the surface of the earth and the hundreds of years of rain filled the ocean, and the supercontinent of Nopherholyhell began slowly migrating around the world.

We know the climate changes. Remnants of forests are fossilized beneath deserts, massive inland seas provided nourishment for the Pteradons, and Ronald Reagan ruled the world.

Nopherhole lied. The best consensus science, that is, science arrived at by a bunch of people guessing, says the winter temperatures will rise maybe a couple of degrees. Luckily for England, Ireland and America, we stuck with the Fahrenheit system, so the impact will be less.

Nopherhole lied again. It’s Climate Change. Thermometers will need to be designed to vary as quickly as your Acura’s tachometer.

The example that the EPAy might be able to extend is the “regulation out of existence of Chlorofluorcarbons.”  These chemicals had many uses including halon fire extinguishing systems. Obviously, the Act takes priority over saving burning materials. [misleading, but oh heck, nopherhole can do politics too.] And now the ozone hole, which was first detected during the National Geophysical Year in the 1950’s, is not effected. This is easily explained because the atmosphere over the northern hemisphere exerts its changes on the southern hemisphere in a very remote way.

Luckily, most advanced economies with vast wealth in the northern hemisphere can help the third world countries at and south of the equator.

As explained in earlier posts, nopherhole is a technology fan and would truly like to drive an electric car. After all, being on the cutting edge with a 1982 diesel Toyota pickup smashed by a climate-tossed tree, a 1984 diesel Toyota Corolla that refused to run when the temperature was below four degrees Fahrenheit. [This would be huge negative number in Celsius.] The 1987 Suzuki Samurai that was viciously attacked by Consumer Reports. Any mechanical engineer knows that greatly increasing the moment of inertia with the huge outriggers fitted to test cars caused them to tilt. I still want to know how many cars rollover in the world due to bad roads or driving and compare that to toilet testers verdict on the simple Samurai. The Chrysler LeBaron convertible with its marvelous body longevity, until T-boned at an intersection. The low fronted Dodge Intrepid that took out a twelve point buck two miles from my home. My offspring’s Cutlas Supreme that slid off a snowy road smashing its right side and permanently sealing the right front door.

Now nopherhole’s spouse’ VW Turbo lost a hub cap.

And finally, my wonderful Prius, that nopherhole is told contributes to the pollution at the nickel mines in Canada.

Nopherhole has taken the cutting technology ride, and my Mobile One has never failed me.

Newsweek must be passing along innuendo. Obama is a God.

Obama: Not Keeping Promise of Transparency | Newsweek Politics text excerpt below –

As a senator, Barack Obama denounced the Bush administration for holding “secret energy meetings” with oil executives at the White House. But last week public-interest groups were dismayed when his own administration rejected a Freedom of Information Act request for Secret Service logs showing the identities of coal executives who had visited the White House to discuss Obama’s “clean coal” policies….

Obama Broadcasting Corp.

June 16, 2009

Tue Jun 16 2009 08:45:10 ET
from Drudgereport

“On the night of June 24, the media and government become one, when ABC turns its programming over to President Obama and White House officials to push government run health care — a move that has ignited an ethical firestorm!”

Drudge is reporting this more fully than nopherhole ever could.

Having nearly completed US Grant’s autobiography, it strikes nopherhole that ABC give OBC full telegraph coverage of the DITM. [debacle in the making]


Here emerging from the Westminster Abbey.

Somber visit by Black Chick to holy Westminster Abbey

Forget about it! It doesn’t matter.

Monday, June 1, 2009

CURL: The cost of a NYC weekend


In another odd twist left unexamined by the media, the White House on Monday said it simply would not release the cost of President Obama’s weekend jaunt to New York City, where the First Couple had dinner and caught a Broadway show.

Spokesman Robert Gibbs, keeping the White House press corps in stiches, as he always does, said the Obamas would have preferred using a commercial airline shuttle to New York and back, but the Secret Service would not allow such unprotected travel (ba da bing).

And that was that. No further probing; asked and answered; time to move on.

There was, of course, an ironic element of the trip. In February, Obama scolded corporate executives (while also costing Las Vegas some $130 million) when he said: “You can’t get corporate jets. You can’t go take a trip to Las Vegas, or go down to the Super Bowl on the taxpayers’ dime.”

Another case where the government misuses the Constitution that guarantees that Government shall make no law…

It’s not “the religious may not express themselves.”

Jun 1, 2009 11:00 pm US/Eastern

Judges: No Bible At Pa. Kindergarten Show And Tell


A kindergartner’s mother cannot read Scripture during show and tell, even if the Bible is the boy’s favorite book, a U.S. appeals court said Monday in the latest challenge over religion in public schools.

The Marple Newtown School District in suburban Philadelphia told plaintiff Donna Kay Busch in October 2004 that she could not read the Bible passages during her son’s “All About Me” program. The school did permit the boy to discuss a poster that included references to his church as well as his family, pet and best friend….