With the retirement of Souter at the end of the current, and 60 Democrats in the Senate, unless Kennedy kicks off, Obama will be able to appoint a lying “make it up as you go” Supreme Court Justice. The primary requirement listed by Nina Totenberg, NPR’s most brilliant legal mind, is that the new justice should be a woman.

Nopherhole’s primary requirement is that the Justice take an oath and NOT LIE!

March 4, 2009 17:48 – In an unprecedented move, President Barack Hussein Obama transferred Administration extra-governmental controls to Democrat Central Committee. In a Presidential Order signed today by Obama, who still remains popular with voters, viewed transfer as “helpful.”

“Too long has the drawn out legislative process, and issuance of rubber stamps to Congress and Senate and other new extra-constitutional bodies delayed the success of governmental programs,” Obama stated in a hastily called news conference timed to miss the early evening news. “Removal of Republicans party was a mere formality with mandate achieved in November 2008 election.”

Since the election, every Democrat program may be implemented without review by the legislative branch. The constitutional versus administrative checks and balances have been removed.

Obama stressed, “Following the planned death of Supreme Court member Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the new Democrat Central Committee will expand the Judicial function to be subject to added administrative review.”

Implementing change has been very popular and successful under the new regime. The recognized “Fourth Estate” has made rejoinders to become part of the Committee. CNN Anchor Donna Hernees stated, “the slowness of Faxing has severely limited the transfer of news directly from the administration to media resource.”

The president has name a information technology czar to allow direct administration to vocal chord, AVC, news transfer. CBS and ABC are using beta version of the software now. It is rumored that the gold version is already implemented at CNN.