Treason by Reporters

June 1, 2009

Nopherhole knows this sounds outlandish. You  know… those darn conservatives going off again. This is not possible. The press has all possible freedoms.

Nopherhole is reading the Autobiography of US Grant – co-written by Samuel Clemens. A reference is made to an author, Stimson, I think is the name. His purpose for traveling with Grant’s headquarters is in question.

The author claims that he is to write a book on the Civil War. However, word for word quotes, only heard in the command tent or location appear in Northern newspapers. Stimson is escorted back through the line and he may never return.

Later, US Grant discovers that the same reporter is caught doing the same thing and therefore sentenced to execution. Revealing the troop numbers, directions, dispatches, etc. is treason. Grant belays the execution.

In recent times, no limits on revelations of military secrets have been set. Aid and comfort to the enemy is not the norm, it is the purpose.

Havana in the USA

May 22, 2009

The only thing cool about Cuba are the cars left over from the Gambling Gangs still being driven.

Think about that when Obama shuts down automobile factories. People keep their cars longer, no new cars are made, and parts have to be improvised because the manufacturing has disappeared.

Nopherhole is sort of a more sarcastic version of me. But come back and find the speck of truth in some of the sarcasm, and  you will occasionally be pleased.

Nopherhole doesn’t know who  you are, so throw some comments my way.

Most recent posts point toward “what happens when you have a politically driven car company?”

What happens when that same company has no dealers in your town? Does a political agenda drive what cars models are maintained? Nopherhole has tied the announcement of Chicago as the Olympics game site tied to Obama firing GM’s GM in concert with the siting committee visiting Chicago on the same day. The siting committee has members from countries world wide. Obama has the strength to ruin each country’s economy by  no longer making GM parts there.

The announcement of the site is to be in the Fall. Anybody out there think Obama will be portrayed in a positive light because of the choice? But the Chicago hard political arm will be flexed now for the result then.

For about 24  hours, Sykes didn’t get a pass about hoping Rush Limbaugh died. Ha ha. LOL. She looks at SEG Obama just smilin’ away.

Back during the Clarence Thomas supreme court nomination and aftermath PBS’ Julianne Malveaux  stated  “You know, I hope his wife feeds him lots of eggs and butter and he dies early like many black men do, of heart disease. Well, that’s how I feel. He is an absolutely reprehensible person.”

Besides both being either ignorant, and wishing someone dead in front of millions, they both get white washed by a press who knows that normal people are offended by the comments.

CYB – cover your ass – but substitute booty!


Obama wants money budgeted to release terrorists to a third world country and give them good start. Only $207k per detainee to live in Yemen, a country with a history of just releasing bad guys.
The money involved would pay for these guys to live 568 years in Yemen.
If this isn’t aid and comfort to the enemy, nopherhole doesn’t know what is. If Obama wasn’t wearing jogging togs or a suit, he could be interpreted to be an enemy combatant. Please waterboard this guy. After all, thousands of American soldiers are waterboarded to understand how to deal with potential torture. And Obama is the Commander in Chief.
See link.

Tie between Obama indictments and Chicago 2016 Olympics Bid discussed how all politics is local. Chicago will theoretically be notified if it has [or has not] won the bid to be the site of the 2016 Olympics. The strong arming is happening now. Nopherhole basically stated that GM’s CEO was being fired by Obama’s Administration, or, at least, did not dispel the wording the media used. A large convening of some 1500 representatives of Olympic countries was coincidentally meeting in Denver. Following within hours of the end of this conference, the IOC was scheduled for site visit to the Chicago prospective Olympic site.

So get this, Administration fires GM CEO, with large business holdings and related suppliers in dozens of these countries. Obama takes credit at least. At least one member of the Administration has made money from the IOC dealings with Chicago. Daley has spent “stimulus” money on repaving the Chicago streets at the site [with local opposition because other sites need it worse.] The 1500 Olympic reps are meeting simultaneously in Denver. Then the IOC visits Chicago site.

Back to the Daley repaving. The local nay-sayers point to the paving as just the first of many repaving jobs using stimulus funds.

Nopherhole is 75% sure that the site of the Olympics will be completely bulldozed and reshaped, including rerouting of all infrastructure – including new streets.

It is a common joke in electric utilities [as sort of a gallows humor] that new utilities requiring cuts in pavement are typically done right after the street has been repaved.

Get it? It’s like putting in a new garden with dozens of flowers, bushes and trees, then digging a hole in the middle for a basketball goal, pouring contract and trampling all the garden.


March 4, 2009 17:48 – In an unprecedented move, President Barack Hussein Obama transferred Administration extra-governmental controls to Democrat Central Committee. In a Presidential Order signed today by Obama, who still remains popular with voters, viewed transfer as “helpful.”

“Too long has the drawn out legislative process, and issuance of rubber stamps to Congress and Senate and other new extra-constitutional bodies delayed the success of governmental programs,” Obama stated in a hastily called news conference timed to miss the early evening news. “Removal of Republicans party was a mere formality with mandate achieved in November 2008 election.”

Since the election, every Democrat program may be implemented without review by the legislative branch. The constitutional versus administrative checks and balances have been removed.

Obama stressed, “Following the planned death of Supreme Court member Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the new Democrat Central Committee will expand the Judicial function to be subject to added administrative review.”

Implementing change has been very popular and successful under the new regime. The recognized “Fourth Estate” has made rejoinders to become part of the Committee. CNN Anchor Donna Hernees stated, “the slowness of Faxing has severely limited the transfer of news directly from the administration to media resource.”

The president has name a information technology czar to allow direct administration to vocal chord, AVC, news transfer. CBS and ABC are using beta version of the software now. It is rumored that the gold version is already implemented at CNN.

How low can you go?

March 2, 2009

Not to be redundant, but S&P 500 reached a close at 700. Any guesses how long it will take to reach 600?

With so much bailout debt, ownership is out the window. Owners, read that as stockholders, are left with nothing.

Can it reach zero? Can Obama count to zero? Apparently he can count to $5 trillion at $168,000 per second.

One aside, and nopherhole is going out on a limb here, another prediction noone is talking about, mutual funds say they will keep so much of their portfolio in this or that. What if this or that equals zero? Every bylaw and promise is broken.

Nopherhole doesn’t like this at all. But uncertainty and Obama’s politics are driving investment into the ground. 

He better not create any dust though. As mentioned here the other day, the EPA is going to regulate dust.


Nopherhole used to work for an ESOP. This is where the company is owned by the employees, and they share in the profits.

It’s a lie, at least where I worked. No profits were designated except to several preferred owners who supposedly put up the capital to buy the company. The preferred owners designated that they would recover their money according to an amortized schedule, one that ate all the profits.

Now comes the prediction. The stock market is being taken over by debt. And they get paid first. They decide what the company’s profits are by predetermining what their take is. That means that until they get paid back, the capital markets get nothing.

Give them about seven years, and the ownership percentage starts to become undeniable and the stock starts coming back. Look at the sideways market during the seventies. 1974 to 1982. 8 years. Except this time, the federal government doesn’t plan to give anything to the owners.

Until Obama and his worshippers are gone, nopherhole predicts there is no chance for the stock market to go up. 


Newest Obama paradigm.

Line up your enemies against the wall and shoot them.

To make alternative energies seem competitive, double the price overnight of their competition. Headline on carbon tax credits today. 

I am not going to dwell on this but this is gangster stuff.

This is economic Stalinism.

And it adds one more kind of uncertainty to the markets.

Look for Dow 2000 – and I don’t mean the year.